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Olive Schreiner

The woman's rose

More easy questions!

Keith Tankard
Updated: 6 March 2014
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This story is about the conflict between two young women in a small South African town.

The older one has defined her territory as centre of attention of the young men. And then a rival appears and invades her territory.


She was about seventeen, fair, and rather fully-fleshed; she had large dreamy blue eyes, and wavy light hair, full, rather heavy lips, until she smiled; then her face broke into dimples, and all her white teeth shone. The hotel-keeper may have had a daughter, and the farmer in the outskirts had two, but we never saw them. She reigned alone. All the men worshipped her. She was the only woman they had to think of. They talked of her on the "stoep", at the market, at the hotel; they watched for her at street corners; they hated the man she bowed to or walked with down the street. They brought flowers to the front door; they offered her their horses; they begged her to marry them when they dared. Partly, there was something noble and heroic in this devotion of men to the best woman they knew; partly because there was something natural in it, that these men, shut off from the world. should pour at the feet of one woman the worship that otherwise would have been given to twenty; and partly there was something mean in their envy of one another. If she had raised her little finger, I suppose, she might have married any one of twenty of them.

Have you looked at the questions
in the right column?
Read the left column and then answer
the following questions:

Explain the following expressions taken from the story:
  • "broke into dimples"; (2)

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  • "I was vital"; (2)

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  • "I despised them". (2)

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Where did the dimpled girl go after she had married? (1)

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"She reigned alone. All the men worshipped her. She was the only woman they had to think of. They talked of her on the "stoep", at the market, at the hotel; they watched for her at street corners; they hated the man she bowed to or walked with down the street."
  • Explain the meaning of "she reigned alone". (4)

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  • What is the English word for "stoep"? (1)

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  • How did the men act towards any man who showed the "other" woman any attention? (2)

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"They brought flowers to the front door; they offered her their horses; they begged her to marry them when they dared."
  • How did the speaker compare in beauty with the other girl? (4)

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  • How did she react to so much attention from the men? (2)

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