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Frances Hunter


Easy questions to cut your teeth on!

Keith Tankard
Updated: 6 March 2014
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This is a simple but meaningful story of two people who meet up at a hospital.

One is an elderly man suffering from emphysema who needs looking after. The other is a young but simple woman who has been rejected by her family.

They decide to help each other.


The air was heavy with antiseptic and anaesthetic. It caught in Donald's lungs, already irritable from the walk from the bus in the morning chill. He was afraid that the pungency would set off a fit of useless coughing that would go on and on, leaving him exhausted, and sat himself down on one of the orange and black moulded plastic chairs near the entrance, forcing himself to take small even breaths until his normal rhythm of breathing returned.

The place was already beginning to fill up and he would have to move to the front to claim his early place in the queue.

It would be easier if Ella were still here, Ella who had always been his strength. "You can do it," her remembered familiar voice said. That was when he had been offered promotion, more authority, responsibility for a section, a hundred men, and confidence had left him. But he had managed before he was invalided out. The girls could be a help now, too, if they would. The walking and the bus journey took it out of him more and more. But they were busy with their families and he did not want to lay claim to their concern with his prognosis: "We can stabilise your condition, but we can't cure you." The medicines were not helping. He had given up smoking, but fumes and dust continued the damage. Would it be possible to get away?

Have you looked at the questions
in the right column?
Read the left column and then answer
the following questions:

What is the setting for this scene? How do you know? (3)

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What does the word "pungency" mean in the context of this passage? (2)

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What is wrong with Donald? How do you know? (3)

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Who is Ellen? What do we know about her? (2)

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Provide a more common expression for "he was invalided out". (2)

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Who are "the girls"? Why can they not look after Donald? (3)

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What is meant by "his prognosis"? (1)

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Even though Donald has given up smoking, his condition continues to deteriorate. Why? (2)

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