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Jack Cope

Drinker of
the Bitter Water

Even more easy questions!

Keith Tankard
Updated: 6 March 2014
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A pride of lions is attacked by poachers. The game rangers from the park must investigate and then attempt to capture and do surgery on the bad tempered lion which has been somehow wounded.


Simeon walked with his son at his side. They were talking about something and laughed so that Simeon's blue eyes retreated into small twinkling chips. He was unarmed as his habit was, but Barnabas carried a quickfiring Winchester rifle over the crook of his arm. Henrik walked a little behind and to the left of them. Blue-bush and vaalkameel thorns grew in the river bed and the pale raisin-bushes were flecked with yellow and red berries. It had rained weeks before and there were patches of red-dark gemsbokgrass in full seed like blood blots against the ash-grey dust.

Henrik clicked his tongue and at the same time the two others saw the ears of a lion above a patch of scrub near a fallen thorn branch. It was not twenty yards off.

"All right, back out," Simeon said. "I'll watch it. It won't attack."

"Oubaas, it is Kgam'ma," the Bushman said.

"He's not going to attack. Back away."

Have you looked at the questions
in the right column?
Read the left column and then answer
the following questions:

Why does Simeon believe that the lion would not attack? (2)

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There is irony in Simeon's words, "He's not going to attack."
  • Explain why the above quotation is an example of irony. (4)

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There is a "Bushman" accompanying them.
  • What is his function? (4)

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  • Why does the "Bushman" call Simeon "Oubaas"? (4)

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"It had rained weeks before and there were patches of red-dark gemsbokgrass in full seed like blood blots against the ash-grey dust."
  • Contrast the vegetation that is described in this scene with the earlier description of the landscape before the rain. (3)

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  • What figure of speech is found in the phrase "in full seed like blood blots"? (1)

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  • Is this a good comparison? Explain. (4)

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Who is Kgam'ma? Why are the men approaching him? (3)

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The story is called "Drinker of the Bitter Water."
  • Is this a suitable title? (4)

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  • The ending of this story is ironical. Explain why. (4)

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