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William Shakespeare


Act 3, Scene 3
lines 34 - 92
Putting thoughts into Othello's mind!

Keith Tankard
Updated: 22 January 2014
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Iago plants the seed of doubt in Othello's mind.

The strange thing, however, is that he does not have to say much before Othello is hopelessly convinced of Desdemona's unfaithfulness. Indeed, with absolutely no evidence, Iago has Othello eating out of his hand.


Othello himself provides THREE reasons why Desdemona might have proved to be unfaithful to him, and these reasons point to psychological weaknesses within his own character:

  • He is black;
  • He is unsophisticated;
  • He is old.


Othello was a Moor and therefore dark of skin although by no means black. Indeed, Shakespeare obviously confused the appearances of Moors and Black Africans, indicating that his audience too was ignorant of the difference.

Moors would have had a difficult time in the Elizabethan mind-set and were treated with suspicion. They were always regarded as "the other".

They were, in fact, culturally different from the other Europeans because they came from a Moslem background and therefore had Moslem traditions, even though they had converted to Christianity.

Indeed, Moors tended to keep to themselves, maintaining their own identity and customs. There was even suspicion that their conversion from Islam many centuries earlier had been one of convenience (to prevent being killed) but that they remained at heart Moslem.

Second, blackness in itself was suspicious. Western society right up until the 18th century was imbued with the idea that white was pure while black was the colour of evil.

Brides wore white. The devil was black. The black sheep of the family was the outcast. Black people were the biblical "sons of Ham" and therefore outcasts and slaves.

A Black person was therefore not equal to a White person in Western society.


The entire basis for the plot of this play was that Othello lacked sophistication. He was not naturally imbued with the traditions and manners of Venice but relied on others to guide him into how to act.

Once he had been removed to Cyprus, therefore, he was out of his depth. He could handle warfare and command soldiers. Once the war with the Turks was over, however, he was expected to act as Governor to the island but he knew not how.

He had promoted Michael Cassio to the rank of lieutenant because he could rely on the man in battle. On the other hand, he naturally trusted Iago in matters of etiquette. The moment he landed on Cyprus, therefore, he turned to Iago for support, and accepted his advice without question.


It is clear that Othello is advanced in years. He said so himself but, in any case, young people did not get to command armies.

His wife, however, is young and he is afraid that her eye will be captured by the advances of any handsome and refined young man.

In this, of course, he does not understand women but judges them as if they were men. This is comprehensible given that Othello exists in a world of soldiers.

Men mostly look to women who are younger than themselves. It is not often that one will find men marrying a woman who is significantly older than they.

Othello somehow believes this of Desdemona. He expects her head to be turned by men of youth, especially by a man who enacts all the customs of Venetian society, a man such as Michael Cassio.

Cassio is not only young but he reveals all the Venetian manners and etiquette, such as his repeatedly kissing his fingers.

In conclusion, Othello feels insecure in his marriage and will readily believe any suggestion that Desdemona could be unfaithful. He therefore does not need much proof -- just enough to cement the suspicions which he already harbours.

Have you looked at the questions
in the right column?
Read the left column and then answer
the following questions:

"Ha! I like not that."
  • What does Iago not like? Does he have any reason for not liking it? (4)

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"Cassio, my lord! No, sure, I cannot think it,
That he would steal away so guilty-like,
Seeing you coming."
  • Explain how this is a very good example of putting thoughts into Othello's mind. (4)

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"Ay, sooth; so humbled
That he hath left part of his grief with me,
To suffer with him. Good love, call him back."
  • What is the difference between Iago's interpretation of Cassio's departure and Desdemona's? (2)

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  • Since Othello had not noticed Cassio's departure till Iago brought it to his attention, why then is he more inclined to take Iago's interpretation than his wife's? (4)

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"And yet his trespass, in our common reason --
Save that, they say, the wars must make examples
Out of their best -- is not almost a fault
To incur a private cheque. When shall he come?
Tell me, Othello: I wonder in my soul,
What you would ask me, that I should deny,
Or stand so mammering on."
  • Desdemon's reprimand of Othello "To incur a private cheque" must have stuck deeply in his manly pride. Why is this? (4)

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  • Her words "mammering on" is also a clear reprimand. Why is this so? (2)

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"What! Michael Cassio,
That came a-wooing with you."
  • Why would Michael Cassio have gone "a-wooing" with Othello? (4)

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  • Why does that very fact aid Iago in putting a wedge between Othello and Cassio? (4)

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"Excellent wretch! Perdition catch my soul,
But I do love thee! and when I love thee not,
Chaos is come again."
  • What does Othello mean when he says, "Chaos is come again"? (2)

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